
Showing posts from January, 2020

A Manifestor Dilemma: Motivation Innocence and Transferred Motivation Desire

What is Color? How does it affect my chart? These are questions I've recently been asking myself. And oh how it's opened a major box of deeper understanding! I've been doing a lot of research on advanced Human Design and plan on blogging about the specifics of Color, Tone, and Base when I get through the basics and the intermediate posts, but for now, I want to share my understanding of being a Manifestor with Motivation Innocence. Not All Manifestors are Here to Lead? Prior to understanding the deeper mechanisms in HD, I've really struggled with feeling the need to actually do . I looked into why that is by looking at my unconscious design and my conscious personality, puzzled as to why I'm just not seemingly motivated to initiate. In my prior post , I hypothesized that, because I'm consciously a Projector, unconsciously a Reflector, and only through a combination of my design and personality gates a Manifestor, that perhaps I didn't feel like a Manifest...