A Manifestor Dilemma: Motivation Innocence and Transferred Motivation Desire

What is Color? How does it affect my chart? These are questions I've recently been asking myself. And oh how it's opened a major box of deeper understanding! I've been doing a lot of research on advanced Human Design and plan on blogging about the specifics of Color, Tone, and Base when I get through the basics and the intermediate posts, but for now, I want to share my understanding of being a Manifestor with Motivation Innocence.

Not All Manifestors are Here to Lead?

Prior to understanding the deeper mechanisms in HD, I've really struggled with feeling the need to actually do. I looked into why that is by looking at my unconscious design and my conscious personality, puzzled as to why I'm just not seemingly motivated to initiate. In my prior post, I hypothesized that, because I'm consciously a Projector, unconsciously a Reflector, and only through a combination of my design and personality gates a Manifestor, that perhaps I didn't feel like a Manifestor. I also proposed that, through conditioning, a Manifestor might not feel included to act due to not knowing how to inform correctly and being burnt at the stake, so to speak. (This feeling is certainly amplified depending on how many 5th lines one has in their chart. Hello, double whammy!)

None of these speculations, however, felt accurate. I feel like I've done a pretty good job at deconditioning myself. I take breaks when I need to. I don't agree to situations out of pressure to do. I don't amplify Generator energy for unsustainable periods of time. I'm not continuously fueled by anxiety. For the most part, I allow myself to feel my feelings, I inform, and I then act accordingly. But I still don't feel like I manifest in the way I've come to understand the term. I just never felt like I was here to lead.

Discovering Motivation

It was through getting into deeper elements of Human Design that I really came to understand why this is the case. There are Four Transformations in Human Design that are very important towards fully actualizing the self. It has been suggested by numerous sources to focus on the basics of Human Design when starting out. I agree with this approach. It takes approximately 7 years to decondition the self, and while I am not quite at the 7 year mark, I have reached many limitations with the basics that have signified a need to explore the complexities of my design. What I found in regards to being a Manifestor that isn't fueled by a need to do, is that one aspect of the 4 transformations is the missing piece! This piece is called Motivation.

Because I am focusing this post specifically on myself and what it means to be a Manifestor with Motivation Innocence, I won't elaborate on the other types of Motivations. I will, however, be posting about all of the Motivations once I have acquired enough knowledge to do so in an informative and concise way. One of the things I really dislike about the Human Design System is its lack of relevant  and accessible information, and my goal is to provide a succinct database for exactly that, but I can't get there if I don't explore all of the elements and formulate my struggle in an honest way.

Human Design Motivation Innocence

Thus, let's talk about Motivation Innocence. Innocence is found in the Color of your conscious Sun gate. Much like how the line your gate is in affects how that gate is experienced, the color affects the very basis of your experience with the gate at an even deeper level. Because it is conscious, it is in the mind. This means that it is not a tool that can be harnessed. Anything in the mind is at risk for operating as not-self. (Thankfully, there are mechanisms at play for recognizing the not-self of Motivation, which you will see below in the Transferred Motivation section.)

As it is, Motivation is how your mind works in its interpersonal relationships. It is not about inner authority and thus does not operate as a source of ultimate action as a Manifestor, which is why I do act in my own Manifestor way, but I don't have the drive to act with others. Everyone here is motivated by a mind-based mechanism. In fact, there are 6 kinds of Motivation: 

  • Fear
  • Hope
  • Desire
  • Need
  • Guilt
  • Innocence
What sets Innocence apart from the others is its lack of action. We are not here to act. We are the 6th Color, and, much like with the 6th line profiles, we are not here to be directly involved with action. We're here to sit back and observe. We're here to be. We can't fix things. We can't lead. And we're not supposed to! It all made sense to me when I discovered this. I've spent so much of my time trying to fix things and help others. They come to me, projecting their images onto me in the hopes that I have some sort of magical ability to assist. 

And I've given it my all. I've tried to figure out so much for so long. I wanted to help people but didn't seem to give them what they needed in the end. I'm not meant to. I'm here to exist as I am. I take in the delicacies of life with such pleasure and joy. It's almost childish in its pureness. I've judged myself for it before, thinking I needed to do something differently, and I wish that I had known about this vital element of myself. I think it is a very important part of Human Design if someone has Innocence for their Motivation. I can see why the other Motivations can come later, through deep deconditioning, but the deconditioning for someone with Motivation Innocence needs to come from being aware of the Innocence in the first place. 

Human Design Transferred Motivation: Desire

There is another element to Motivation, and it's called Transferred Motivation, or Transference. When in not self, we're also motivated by a Transferred Motivation. This makes it even easier to navigate whether or not we are in the self. For Projectors in particular, Motivation and Transferred Motivation are underlying keys to further figuring out if they've taken on an invitation correctly. It's very important for them. Likewise, it's important for Manifestors who have Motivation Innocence to know they have it because we are not here to be motivated towards doing! If we don't understand that, we go into the Transferred Motivation of Desire. We desire to be different. We desire to have something we don't. We desire a fictional world of wants, never realizing that these desires don't stem from a place of need. What we really need is to be surprised by the world. We are here to be innocent. To approach the world with eyes not geared towards action. Those with Motivation Innocence are often conditioned into thinking we need to act, and in that conditioning, we feel pushed towards the not-self of Transferred Motivation: Desire. 

This struck a major chord with me. I'm a Pisces. We're dreamers. I often indulge myself in dreams of things I want, be it passion, adventure, connection. These dreams don't make me feel peace. They make me feel as if I'm not enough. Like my life is not enough as it is. This is a direct cue to step back and just be in the moment. Let go of desires. Step away from the situation that is sparking this sense of need. Because I am not here to need. Some people are. It is through their need that they act. I am not that person. I am Innocence, brought down to the earth to explore and be surprised. It is like a Reflector, in that way. We are here to be completely present in the moment. That is why I feel stressed when someone pressures me to act. I feel pressure in this society to always be doing. Always be planning, wanting, needing. I still feel this pressure because I have just begun to explore my Motivation. I don't have answers. All I know is that if I am desiring something, I need to step away from whatever is igniting this need to want from within me. 

This is a very zen approach towards life, Innocence. Tai Chi, Buddhism, and various other forms of grounding practices are great for those with Motivation Innocence. I am even more grateful towards being who I am now that I understand who I am better. I feel like I can achieve peace more easily in knowing that I am here to be completely immersed in the present moment. And what a grand thing that is!


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