The 1/3 Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 1


I've not posted in a while, but my ideas have been flowing constantly. When I disappear, it is because I am in the midst of my Human Design experiment. There are often times where I am inspired to share but don't have the chance, so I am going to try to upload my experiences more regularly. (Not easy to do as a being who lacks consistent energy!) This blog post is going to be about my incarnation cross, the right angle cross of consciousness 1, in relation to my specific profile, the 1/3 Investigating Martyr.

While my observations are very specific to my own chart, I am sharing in the hopes that elements of what I have to say can be applied more universally to those looking for new perspectives on topics pertaining to HD.

A Study of My Chart

I've shared my chart in many posts, but I recognize that it is helpful to maintain a visual for explaining my perspective. So, I'll share my chart again to discuss my findings as a single definition manifestor with a 1/3 profile and incarnation cross of the right angle cross of consciousness 1.

I have a 1/3 or investigating martyr profile, with a focused, conscious energy. I am also a single definition, with no sacral definition and very little definition in the g-center and spleen. I am also a right angle cross of consciousness (1).

My two channels consist of the manifesting channel 35/36- the jack of all trades- (in lines 6 and 3, so I'm destined to a series of trial and error in my manifestation), and the 19/49- a projected channel of marriage and relationships- (in lines 3/6 and 1).

The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 1

The Parts Do Not Make Up the Whole

First I'd like to discuss something of importance. Knowing all of these little mechanisms is fascinating, but it can be hard to look at the whole, rather than the parts. I find it's a mental trap to stay focused on all of these little pieces. And, as a right angle cross of consciousness, it can be even harder to let go of the pieces in order to experience the whole. However, it is still important to understand the parts in order to gain a better understanding of the whole.

With that, I will discuss how I perceive the parts of my incarnation cross to work.

Before I get into the gates, if you are newer to Human Design, you may be wondering what the "1" is in the right angle cross of consciousness 1. To explain, there are 4 different combinations one can have as a right angle cross of consciousness, depending on when you were born. I was born in the first part of the Rave year, so my incarnation of this cross is the first of four possibilities. This cross incarnation only pertains to those with conscious sun in gate 63, conscious earth in 64, unconscious sun in 5, and unconscious sun in 35. Now, let's dive in.

Conscious Gates 63 and 64

My gates 63 and 64 are where I find myself in the head the most, understandably. It is strongly in my design to forever be looking for that perfect question, to eradicate doubt, and to create a solid foundation for myself. It has been a challenge to understand what is healthy and what is unhealthy and not-self in regards to these prominent gates in my chart, since they both are within the head center. Those with conscious sun and earth gates 63 and 64, are designed to constantly search for patterns and questions. Because the 64 is abstract and the 63 is logic, we are capable of generating many different questions with our unique perspectives.

The 63rd Gate
Gate 63.1 will always investigate that which creates doubt. It is the logic gate of doubt. We are uncomfortable with a lack of understanding, and thus will search for an answer until that understanding is established. This is how we create our foundation. Ra states how questions are finite, and those with gate 63 inherently understand that there is a limit to the amount of questions they can generate. We ask questions knowing that there will eventually be silence, which, for me, anyway, will result in peace.

The 64th Gate
As if doubt weren't already a tricky mentality to possess, we also have a huge dose of confusion to add to the equation. The 64th gate is the abstract gate of confusion, and is part of the channel of abstraction. Confusion drives us to ask the questions that result in us doubting those questions with more questions until we finally are doubtless, and therefore question-less. Sound confusing? As someone with gate 64.1, this generating of questions in the search for answers stems from a need to develop a solid foundation. (If you noticed, I also have gate 64 in line 3, but this is not in my conscious earth gate, and so it presents itself differently).

Unconscious Gates 5 and 35

The 5th Gate
When it comes to the cross of consciousness, we can be fairly particular in our thought processes, but we can also be particular in our environments. This particularity stems from the 5th gate, that resides in the sacral center. This gate is the collective, logic gate of patterns, which is part of the channel of rhythms. I have fixed routines, thanks to my unconscious line 5.3. I've created these routines through constant trial and error, and every time I face new experiences I either apply a template that I've already created to it, thanks to the mental influences of my foundation, or I physically experiment with my experience until I find what works.

The 35th Gate
I'm all about collective feelings, with my unconscious 35.3, as I manifest my deep emotions and try to make sense of my experiences. This gate is the collective, sensing gate of change, and is part of the channel of transitoriness. The cross of consciousness makes its impact through this manifesting gate, as it is part of the throat center. We are specialists in bringing about change through the observations of patterns, and have the ability to communicate that change.

*I think it's important to note that this communication may be harder for those who don't have a direct link to the throat center through defined channels. In these situations, being around those who do define this channel in your chart may make it easier for you to express your unique abilities as a right angle cross of consciousness.

My Personal Strengths
Since I do have channel 35/36 defined, I have noticed in the past year my particular impact as a manifestor in this department. It mainly appears in how others talk with me and feel like they suddenly have the inspiration or abilities to put to words their own feelings regarding collective experiences. This gate is pretty fantastic, and I know that the fact that it creates a channel in my chart makes me a universal bringer of emotional awareness to others. This is one of my impacts as a manifestor, and I've begun to really value it.

My Personal Challenges
The challenge exists where my 63, 64, and 5 fail to connect to channels. It can be a struggle to formulate my doubts and confusion, and it can be a struggle to have the gate of patterns as a hanging gate. Without creating a channel with its electromagnetic gate 15 of extremes, it's difficult to have a healthy relationship with rhythms and timing. Awareness of these challenges helps lead to acceptance, so I advice anyone reading to take a look at the particulars of their charts so that they can be aware of the ways in which they might struggle to express and experience their incarnation crosses.

The Whole Amidst the Parts

I find that those of us with this incarnation cross can be very scientific people, always hunting for the perfect hypothesis. This is largely in part because of the head center's influence in our cross. I recently read Ra's commentary on this incarnation cross and found what he said about the 1/3 RAX of consciousness (1) to be very accurate. We listen, research, and investigate, eager to discover new information so that we can create the perfect question. It's actually the opposite of how most people think.

Through this investigation- through our confusion, patterns, emotions, and doubt- we eventually come to a place of silence, for there are no more questions to be asked. After all, one can only ask so many questions before they have the answers to every aspect. That is what makes those with the right angle cross of consciousness so unique.

In Conclusion

There are 192 incarnation crosses in Human Design, not including the different combinations within those crosses. There are also 12 different profiles. While I've only chosen to cover one of the crosses, with a focus on one profile, I plan on one day covering many crosses and helping others understand the mechanics of their personal body graphs.

I hope this blog post brings to light some information on the right angle cross of consciousness (1), with a focus on the 1/3 profile. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions, observations, or inputs!

Until next time...


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